Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key Greater Than and Less Than

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Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key Greater Than and Less Than


DIRECTIONS: Place counters as shown. Draw a line to match a counter in the top five frame to a counter below it in the bottom five frame. Tell a friend which set has a number of objects greater than the other set.

Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 1

The yellow set has more than the red counters.

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DIRECTIONS: 1. Place counters as shown. Count and tell how many in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the sets by matching. Circle the number that is greater. 2. Place counters as shown. Count and tell how many in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the sets by matching. Circle the number that is greater.

Question 1.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 2

The yellow counters are greater than the red counters
Circled the greater number

Question 2.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 3

The red circles are greater than the yellow circles
Circled the number 3

DIRECTIONS: 3. Place counters as shown. Count and tell how many in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the sets by matching. Circle the number that is less. 4. Place counters as shown. Count and tell how many in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the sets by matching. Circle the number that is less.

Question 3.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 4

The yellow circles are lesser than the red circles
circled the lesser number

Question 4.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 5

The red circles are lesser than the yellow circles
circled the lesser number

HOME ACTIVITY • Show your child two sets with o different number of objects in each set. Hove him or her use matching to compare the sets.

The above two sets are with 0 difference
both the sets are equal

DIRECTIONS: 5. Paige found 3 shells. Pilar found 4 shells. Use counters to show how many shells each girl found. Draw the counters. Count and tell how many in each set. Circle the number that is greater. 6. Which number is greater than the number of trees? Choose the correct answer.

Problem Solving

Question 5.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 6

Paige found 3 shells. Pilar found 4 shells.
Used counters to show how many shells each girl found.
Drawn the counters.
Circled the greater number

Daily Assessment Task

Question 6.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 7

There are 4 trees the greater number than the number of trees is 5

Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Homework and Practice Answer Key

DIRECTIONS: 1. Count and tell how many in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the sets by matching. Circle the number that is greater. 2. Count and tell how many in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the sets by matching. Circle the number that is less.

Question 1.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 8

Compared and matched the counters
Circled the greater number

Question 2.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 9

The red circles are lesser than the yellow circles
circled the lesser number

DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct answer. 3. Which number is greater than the number of sailboats? 4. Which number is less than the number of birds?

Lesson Check

Question 3.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 10

Number 5 is greater than the number of sailboats

Question 4.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 3.3 Answer Key 11

2 is lesser than the number of birds
total three birds less than one is 2

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