Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key Count to 100 by Tens

Refer to our Texas Go Math Kindergarten Answer Key Pdf to score good marks in the exams. Test yourself by practicing the problems from Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key Count to 100 by Tens.

Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key Count to 100 by Tens

Essential Question
How can you count to 100 by tens on a hundred chart?


Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key 1
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.4 img 11
The given pattern is count by tens
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100

Trace the circles around the numbers that end in a 0. Beginning with 10, count those numbers in order. Tell a friend how you are counting.

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Question 1.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key 2
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.4 img 12
The given pattern is count by tens
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100

1. Write the numbers to complete the counting order to 20. Trace the numbers to complete the counting order to 50. Count by tens as you point to the numbers you wrote and traced.

Question 2.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key 3
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.4 img 13
The given pattern is count by tens
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100

2. Trace the numbers to complete the counting order to 100. Count by tens as you point to the numbers you traced.

Home Activity

  • Show your child a calendar. Use self-stick notes to cover random numbers. Ask your child to say the numbers that are covered. Then have him or her remove the self-stick notes to check.

Problem Solving

Question 3.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key 4
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.4 img 14
The given pattern is count by tens
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100
The missing number is 20

Daily Assessment Task

Question 4.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key 5
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.4 img 15
The given pattern is count by tens
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100
The missing number is 90

3. Listen to the problem. What is the last number Jenny says? Write the number. What is the lost number that Lindsay will say? Draw a line under the number. 4. Choose the correct answer. When you count by tens, what number comes after 80?

Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Homework and Practice

Question 1.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key 6
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.4 img 16
The given pattern is count by tens
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100

1. Write the numbers to complete the counting order to 50. Count by tens as you point to the numbers you wrote.

Texas Test Prep

Lesson Check

Question 2.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key 7
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.4 img 17
The given pattern is count by tens
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100
The missing number is 50

Question 3.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key 8
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.4 img 18
The given pattern is count by tens
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100
The missing number is 80.

Question 4.
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.3 Answer Key 9
Texas Go Math Kindergarten Lesson 16.4 img 19
The given pattern is count by tens
10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100
The missing number is 30

Choose the correct answer.
2. When you count by tens, what number comes after 40?
3. When you count by tens, what number comes after 70?
4. When you count by tens, what number comes after 20?

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