Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key Time to the Hour and Half Hour

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Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key Time to the Hour and Half Hour

Each clock has an hour hand and a minute hand. Use what you know about the hour hand to write the unknown numbers.
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 1
It is 1:00.
The hour hand points to the _________.
The minute hand points to the _________.
It is half past 1:00 or 1:30.


Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 2
The hour hand points between the 1 and the 2.
The minute hand points to the 6.


FOR THE TEACHER • Have children look at the two docks and tell how much time has passed.
Time is 1:30 or half past 1.

The hour hand points between the 1 and the 2.
The minute hand points to the 6.


Math Talk
Mathematical Processes
Look at the top clock. Explain how you know which is the minute hand.
I know its minute hand just by its length. Long hand is called as minute hand in the clock.

Long hand is called as minute hand in the clock.
Short hand is called as hour hand in the clock.


Model and Draw
An hour has 60 minutes
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 3
The clock shows 10:00.

Hour hand is showing 10.
Minute hand is showing 12.
The clock is showing the time: 10:00.


A half hour has 30 minutes
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 4
The clock is showing the time: 10:30 or half past 10.

Hour hand is showing 10.
Minute hand is showing 6.
The clock is showing the time: 10:30 or half past 10.


Share and Show
Write the time.
Question 1.
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Hour hand is showing 11.
Minute hand is showing 6.
The clock is showing the time: 11:30 or half past 11.


Question 2.
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Hour hand is showing 12.
Minute hand is showing 6.
The clock is showing the time: 12:30 or half past 12.


Question 3.
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Hour hand is showing 4.
Minute hand is showing 12.
The clock is showing the time: 4:00.


Problem Solving
Write the time.
Question 4.
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Hour hand is showing 7.
Minute hand is showing 6.
The clock is showing the time: 7:30 or half past 7.


Question 5.
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Hour hand is showing 9.
Minute hand is showing 12.
The clock is showing the time: 9:00.


Question 6.
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Hour hand is showing 8.
Minute hand is showing 6.
The clock is showing the time: 8:30 or half past 8.


Circle your answer.
Question 7.
Sara goes to the park when both the hour hand and the minute hand point to the 12. What time does Sara go to the park?
1 o’clock
12 o’clock
2 o’clock
Time Sara goes to the park = 12:00.
12 o’clock

Sara goes to the park when both the hour hand and the minute hand point to the 12.
=> Time Sara goes to the park = 12:00.


Question 8.
Mel goes to the park at half past 3. Which time shows when Mel goes to the park?
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 11
Time at Mel goes to the park = 3:30 or half past 3.

Mel goes to the park at half past 3.
=> Time at Mel goes to the park = 3:30 or half past 3.


Question 9.
H.O.T. Multi-Step The hour hand points halfway between the 2 and 3. Draw the hour hand and the minute hand. Write the time.
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 12
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The hour hand points halfway between the 2 and 3.
=> 2:30 or half past 2.


Daily Assessment Task
Choose the correct answer.
Question 10.
The clock shows the time that Ken gets home from her soccer game. What time does the clock show?
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 13
(A) 7:00
(B) 7:30
(C) 8:00
Time shown in the clock = 7:00.
(A) 7:00.

Time shown in the clock = 7:00.
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 13


Question 11.
Which clock shows 11:30?
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First clock shows the time: 11:00
Second clock shows the time: 10:30 or half past 10.
Third clock shows the time: 11:30 or half past 11.


Question 12.
Sean goes to the library when the hour hand points to the 6, and the minute hand points to the 12. What time does Sean go to the library?
(A) 6:00
(B) 6:30
(C) 7:30
Time at Sean goes to the library = 6:00.
(A) 6:00.

Sean goes to the library when the hour hand points to the 6, and the minute hand points to the 12.
=> Time at Sean goes to the library = 6:00.


Question 13.
Texas Test Prep What time is it?
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 15
(A) 6:30
(B) 7:30
(C) 8:00
Time shown in the clock = 7:30 or half past 7.
(B) 7:30

Time shown in the clock = 7:30 or half past 7.


TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • At times on the half hour, have your child show you the minute hand and the hour hand on a clock, and tell what time it is.
My kid shown the hours hand showing 7 and minutes hand showing 6.
Time shown in the clock = 7:30 or half past 7.

Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 15
My kid shown the hours hand showing 7 and minutes hand showing 6.


Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Homework and Practice Answer Key

Write the time.
Question 1.
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 16
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Time shown in the clock = 3:30 or half past 3.


Question 2.
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Time shown in the clock = 6:00.


Question 3.
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Time shown in the clock = 9:30 or half past 9.


Problem Solving
Circle your answer.
Question 4.
Luis goes bowling at 11:00. Which time shows when Luis goes bowling?
11 o’clock
12 o’clock
2 o’clock
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Luis goes bowling at 11:00.
=> Time Luis goes bowling = 11:00.


Question 5.
Multi-Step The hour hand points halfway between 8 and 9. Draw the hour hand and the minute hand. Write the time.
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The hour hand points halfway between 8 and 9.
=> Time the clock shows = 8:30 or half past 8.


Lesson Check
Choose the correct answer.
Question 6.
The clock shows the time that Ken gets home from his karate lesson. What time does the clock show?
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 20
(A) 7:30
(B) 8:30
(C) 8:00
Time shown in the clock = 7:30 or half past 7.
(A) 7:30.

The clock shows the time that Ken gets home from his karate lesson.
Time shown in the clock = 7:30 or half past 7.
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 20


Question 7.
Which clock shows 10:30?
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First clock shows the time: 11:30 or half past 11.
Second clock shows the time: 10:00.
Third clock shows the time: 10:30 or half past 10.


Question 8.
What time is it?
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 22
(A) 5:00
(B) 4:30
(C) 5:30
Time shown in the clock = 4:30 or half past 4.
(B) 4:30.

Time shown in the clock = 4:30 or half past 4.
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Lesson 18.3 Answer Key 22


Question 9.
Sara goes to the park when the hour hand points to the II, and the minute hand points to the 12. What time does Sara go to the park?
(A) 11:00
(B) 12:00
(C) 11:30
Time Sara goes to the park = 11:00.
(A) 11:00.

Sara goes to the park when the hour hand points to the II, and the minute hand points to the 12.
=> Time Sara goes to the park = 11:00.

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