Texas Go Math Grade 1 Module 5 Assessment Answer Key

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Texas Go Math Grade 1 Module 5 Assessment Answer Key


Circle the minus sign. (p.166)
Underline the difference. (p.166)

Question 1.
5 – 2 = 3

Circled the minus sign. Underlined the difference.

Concepts and Skills

Circle the part you are taking from, or separating from, the group. Then cross it out. Write how many there are now. TEKS 1.3.B

Question 2.
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Module 5 Assessment Answer Key 1
There are 7 birds.
3 birds fly away.
How many birds are there now?
___ birds now
Answer: 4

Use Texas Go Math Grade 1 Module 5 Assessment Answer Key 2 to show taking from, or separating from. Draw the Texas Go Math Grade 1 Module 5 Assessment Answer Key 2. Circle the part you take away from, or separate from, the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference. TEKS 1.3.B

Question 3.
6 cats 3 cats run away.
6 – 3 = __
Answer: 3

Difference of 6 and 3 is 3

Question 4.
5 dogs 4 dogs run away.
5 – 4 = ___
Answer: 1

Difference of 5 and 4 is 1
Texas Test Prep

Choose the correct answer.

Question 5.
Which number sentence solves the problem? There are 6 toy cars. 4 toy cars are big. The rest are small.
How many toy cars are small? TEKS 1.3.B, 1.5.D
(A) 6 – 4 = 2
(B) 3 + 3 = 6
(C) 6 + 4 = 10
Answer: A
To find small cars, we need to minus the big cars from total cars

Question 6.
How many fewer bats are there? TEKS 1.3.B
Texas Go Math Grade 1 Module 5 Assessment Answer Key 3
(A) 10 fewer
(B) 3 fewer
(C) 7 fewer
Answer: C
To find fewer bats, we need to minus the total bats from total balls
10 – 3 = 7

Question 7.
What number completes the subtraction sentence? TEKS 1.3.B
4 – ___ = 4
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 4
Answer: A
4 – 0 = 4

Question 8.
Which shows a way to take apart 7? TEKS 1.3.D
(A) 8 – 1 = 7
(B) 7 – 2 = 5
(C) 9 – 7 = 2
Answer: C
in C option only showing the subtracting 7 from 9

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