McGraw Hill Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Lesson 9 Answer Key Ways to Add and Subtract

Practice questions available in McGraw Hill Math Grade 2 Answer Key PDF Chapter 5 Lesson 9 Ways to Add and Subtract will engage students and is a great way of informal assessment.

McGraw-Hill Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 Lesson 9 Ways to Add and Subtract


Circle the correct answer.

Question 1.
You add 495 + 261. What should you add first?
add ones
add tens
add hundreds
add ones

Question 2.
Which problem has the same sum as 648 + 290 = 938?
431 + 40
811 – 366
290 + 648
290 + 648

The order of the addends may change but the sum of the numbers will be same
So, 648 + 290 = 938 = 290 + 648.

Write your answer.

Question 3.
Nate sees this problem in a book:
437 + McGraw Hill Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Lesson 9 Answer Key Ways to Add and Subtract 1 = 720.
How can he find the missing addend?
__________ – ____________ = ___________
720 – 437 = 283

437 + ? = 720
Subtract the addend from the sum
720 – 437 = ?
The difference is the missing addend
720 – 437 = 283
So, the missing addend is 283
Therefore, 720 + 437 = 720.

Question 4.
How can you use mental math to subtract 300 from 873? What is the answer?
537 – 300 = 537

Use mental math to subtract
Subtract only hundreds
800 – 300 = 500
So, 837 – 500 = 537.

Question 5.
How can you use mental math to add 80 to 210? What is the answer?
210 + 80 = 290

Use mental math to add
Add only tens
10 + 80 = 90
So, 210 + 80 = 290.

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